Joyful GCSEs and BTECs and fantastic progression to next steps and our Sixth Form RR6
Congratulations to all our Year 11 students on their results, and to their families who have supported them along the way. Thank you to our teachers and school staff who have worked so tirelessly to prepare and support them for these examinations. 81% of our students achieved 4+ grades which exceeds both the London [74.3%] and the National [67.6%] average. We are excited to see that our pupil premium gap has closed significantly to the narrowest we have ever achieved. Value added for all students is currently sitting at +0.59 and for pupil premium is +0.42. 31.3% of our students gained grades at 7+ which is significantly higher than the National average of 21.8%.
Further headlines include 55 students how have achieved at least one 9, 103 students got at least one 8/9/Distinction, 29 students with 10 subjects above a grade 7, 135 students who got at least one grade 7 and 9 students have 10 or more subjects at grade 8 or above.
This is the culmination of a great deal of hard work for a student cohort who were in Y7 when Covid interrupted their first two years of secondary school. We are so proud of their achievements and they can progress with confidence onto post 16 courses with record numbers enrolling at our sixth form RR6.
Special mention to Elsa who achieved seven grade 9s and five grade 8s. Emily six grade 9s, three grade 8, Ava achieved six grade 9s, four grade 8s and a Distinction* and Laila who achieved eight grade 9s, one grade 8 and one grade 7.