Welcome to Ricards Lodge High School

Educating successful women of the futureWe are compassionateWe champion equalityWe are resilientWe aspireWe work together


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      Latest News

      • Open Events for 2025 Entry

        03 Jul 24

        Find out about our Open Events for September 2025 entry to Ricards Lodge and RR6.

      • Jazz Concert and Workshop

        06 Jun 24

        On the 22nd May 2024, the Year 10 GCSE Music students had the special opportunity to watch and perform with a group of New York jazz musicians from Ja...

      • King's College Aspiration Program

        17 May 24

        On the 10th of May, Year 10 students from our Aspiration program participated in four different science workshops. Held at King's Colleg...

      • Dhavianna

        Year 11, Head Girl

        I was excited to start at Ricards Lodge, but I struggled at first to adjust to the new environment and expectations. The school helped me to develop my independence and creativity, and I am very grateful for the support I received.

      • Velvily

        Year 11, School Ambassador

        Ricards Lodge is a school that is inclusive, diverse and very welcoming.

      • Elsa

        Year 11, Junior Leadership Team

        As a Deputy Head Girl, I aspire to cultivate a supportive and inclusive environment that enables every student at Ricards to fulfil our school motto of “Educating Successful Women of the Future''.

      • Torie

        Year 8, School Ambassador

        What I enjoyed most about Ricards Lodge is how welcoming everyone was. I joined this school with one friend from my primary and was quite shy at first because I went to a single intake school, however, now I have quite a lot of friends mainly because of how nice everyone was to me.

      • Dasha

        Year 11, Junior Leadership Team

        I am committed to making a positive impact within our school community and I would like to share my personal journey which is fuelled by dedication, compassion, and a drive to listen and voice the opinions of others.

      • Charlotte

        Year 9, School Ambassador

        I really love being a student at Ricards Lodge because of the amazing opportunities we get here. For example, I have participated in multiple dance showcases held at school and even the school musical production, Six.

      • Ava

        Year 11, Junior Leadership Team

        Being Assistant Head Girl was always a far-off dream for me but now here I am, working amongst such talented, hardworking and resilient girls making me feel proud to be where I am today.

      • Savannah

        Year 10, School Ambassador

        At Ricards Lodge I enjoy the large variety of opportunities that we are able to partake in. I would say it helps build our confidence and helps us to understand where we will go in the future.

      • Maleha

        Year 11, Junior Leadership Team

        I am very blessed to have been selected as an assistant head girl and be able to work with the rest of the amazing JLT and SLT to leave a long-lasting impact within Ricards Lodge.

      • Leanne

        Year 10, School Ambassador

        I joined Ricards Lodge as a mid-year student during Year 9. But there was never a moment I felt that way. The teachers and my classmates made me feel very welcome. There is always someone I can talk to, whether it is about an academic concern or for advice.

      • Nana

        Year 11, Junior Leadership Team

        I am proud to be part of a team of girls who will ensure that all students' voices are not only heard but also acted on, leading to the growth and improvement of our amazing school.

      • Beatrice

        Year 10, School Ambassador

        Whilst I am still uncertain about what my future will hold, I know that Ricards Lodge will have prepared me for whatever challenges I may face.

      • Lamees

        Year 11, Junior Leadership Team

        It is a great privilege that I am able to discuss and share views of my school community and be the voice of many, I am extremely excited to be working with my fellow JLT peers and see the great impacts and achievements of our goals in the upcoming year. s.

      • Evie

        Year 10, School Ambassador

        Ricards Lodge High School is an amazing institution that has helped me to become a better student and person inside and outside of school.

      • Kowthur

        Year 11, Junior Leadership Team

        I know what it's like to underestimate yourself and restrict your capabilities. As a member of the Junior Leadership Team, JLT, I want to be an example to everyone that your potential is limitless and your biggest obstacle is none other than yourself.

      • Carmen

        Year 10, School Ambassador

        I am a proud Year 10 student at Ricards Lodge High School. I love the teamwork that goes through our school and how you can always count on someone no matter what, even if it is: a netball team, your class or your friendship group.

      • Emily

        Year 11, Junior Leadership Team

        I am very fortunate to have been selected as a member of the Junior Leadership Team because I am passionate about our school and the values for which it stands for.

      • Scarlett

        Year 11, Junior Leadership Team

        I am proud to be part of the JLT and I will do all I can to create a secure and positive environment for students, teachers and parents.