Mini Marathon Masterclass

On Saturday the 1st of October Ricards Lodge PE department took a group of 11 students to central London to take part in the London Mini Marathon for the first time. Students were able to run part of the Official course of the London Marathon and finish the race at the world-famous finish line on The Mall.
Read our student report below.
Reported by Edie, 8R and Maggie, 7S
We got up at 7 am with excitement flowing through our bodies. Soaking up the magnificent views, we made our way to the warm up area. We started with a gentle jog and everyone was buzzing to start the race. Soon after that, we followed our designated guide to our places and the nerves started to seep through. Comforting each other and talking about how we should try hard and remember that this is a learning process, we were finally ready for this memorable experience to begin.
Finally, in the last thirty seconds before the race, we planned to cross the line together, sister and sister. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 the runners were off! We started off running gently along the River Thames, tons of support coming our way. Finally, we could see the line, we began to take longer strides, racing to cross the line. We were sprinting our hardest, and although one of us was ahead of the other, we made sure we were going to cross the line together. With the support of the PE teachers we finished, exhausted, but pleased with our performance.
We collected our medals and were given water. Our journey home was full of praise and the laughter of our new friends made on this excellent trip. We are so grateful to have been chosen for this incredible opportunity.
A big thanks to all the PE Department.