What Our Girls Say
Year 11, Junior Leadership Team
Being a part of the Junior Leadership Team has allowed me to reflect on the achievements I have attained throughout my five years at this school. Now, as a student in Year 11, I can confidently say that Ricards has prepared me for the challenges I may face in the future.
Becoming a member of the JLT, specifically as Deputy Head Girl, was never something I imagined I would achieve. If you had told me a few years ago that I would be representing the students of Ricards Lodge, I would have found it hard to believe.
Many people believe that you must be committed from the very beginning; however, that’s only half true. It wasn’t until Year 10 that I started to envision who I wanted to become in Year 11. I began signing up for leadership roles, such as being part of POP and serving as a Cultural Ambassador, as well as helping organise and present for International Women’s Day. I played a major role in helping to create assemblies and presenting them in front of the school.
Being part of any leadership group is incredibly beneficial, not just for you, but for your current and future self. The school offers numerous opportunities to help push you to reach your full potential, and these experiences have had a profound impact on my personal growth.