What Our Girls Say


Year 11, Junior Leadership Team

As a Deputy Head Girl, I aspire to cultivate a supportive and inclusive environment that enables every student at Ricards to fulfil our school motto of “Educating Successful Women of the Future''.

I have always been very involved in school life because of the wealth of opportunities offered here. Whether that is being captain of a sports team, leading in a school musical or performing at school concerts, through the support of amazing teachers, Ricards Lodge has allowed me to flourish and develop my passions. I have found my place at Ricards Lodge, and so I will work towards helping every student feel as though they have found their place as well.

When the first assembly was given about the Junior Leadership Team, I knew I had to apply. This year I was a part of the school council which is led by the JLT and I thought that it was amazing how they listened to all of our suggestions and were able to make meaningful change. I knew I wanted to be a part of a team that could do that. I can’t wait to be involved in the betterment of our school community.